St Peter & St Paul Church Harlington
St Peter & St Paul Church Harlington

Welcome to St Peter & St Paul's Church      



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Why not join us at our weekly 

9.30am - Sunday morning Service

Parish Communion

You can be assured of a warm welcome.




Serving God and the people of Harlington for over 900 years.


Please browse our website to learn more about our Church and what is going on in our community.


If you would like to find out more or pay us a visit, you can find contact details on this website. Alternatively, if you are able to, just pop in on a Sunday morning - we would be very pleased to see you. 




O God, make the doorway of this church wide enough to receive all who need human love and fellowship.

Let its doors be open and inviting to all who enter here, and its walls resound with the praise and worship of your people. 

How to find us

Community Activites:



Next meet on Thursday 27th February from 2pm in the church hall.

A warm welcome awaits. 

(Full programme on "What's on" tab above)





"The Hurbs"-Harlington Ukulele 

Rainbow Band.

Next meeting on Wednesday 12th March  at 2.30pm in the church hall - all are welcome to join us.




Activities, Songs, Stories, Food and Fun.

Why not come along?

(More details on tabs above).



For more details click on What's On at top of page.


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© St. Peter and St Paul's Harlington